Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Letter from a Seafarer's Wife

Dear Father Nilo,

I attended one of the seminars you conducted for the dependents of migrant workers. I am a wife of a seafarer and very sad to say I'm one of those wives whose spouses became unfaithful. I discovered the infedility of my husband and without hesitation he accepted the wrong he has done to me amd his children.

The woman is a whore. The woman is pregnant with the child of my husband. Only God knows if the child is really my husband's.

I am writing you this because I am woried of the DECAYING MORAL STANDARDS of some if not the majority of our seafarers. Coming from the mouth of my husband there are so many seamen who are maintaining mistresses. So many families have already been broken. For them, earning money for the family is already enough, forgetting that family harmony and happiness is more important than anything their money can buy.

Though we are financially provided, he failed to realize the pain he inflicted not only to me but also to our children. Our children are all boys. I'm thankful to God that I raised all of them to be God fearing. I am not the best wife in the world, but i tried my very best to become a good wife to my husband. I invested and managed well the money he sent to us. In fact, I can say we can live comfortably even if he stops going abroad. But sad to note he has ambitions of his own. Its ironic that he keeps on telling me to save, save, save, but he can afford to spend thousands of pesos for a whore.

During those trying times, I found my strength only from the Lord. I confided my problem to the people whom I can trust, only 2 nuns and 2 priests. Their prayers and counselling helped me get over the crisis.

Right now, my husband told me that he has realized, it was a great mistake, asked me to trust him again, and help him rebuild our happy family again. I believe this was made possible through our prayers.

Father, I suggest that you could organize a group to conduct seminars for the departing seamen, seminars that will help them in their spiritual growth.

I believe the culture of this sector of our society need to be adressed. As a Catholic, it is painful to learn more and more families will be broken because of their loose moral standards. The children are the ones who suffered more.

I hope and pray, my call will be answered. Thank you

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